Fietsers op de Dafne Schipperbrug

English publications

Kind met familieleden

The first 1000 days of children in Utrecht

During the first 1000 days of a child's life the foundation is laid for their physical, mental and social development. Chances of growing up in a vulnerable situation are greater for children with parents with low educational attainment or migration background. This publication also shows that already existing health inequalities increase as children get older.
Go to The First 1000 Days of Children in Utrecht

Drie kinderen op een rij

Health disparities in children

Children from families with low prosperity and children from single-parent families are structurally disadvantaged in health, lifestyle and opportunities for a healthy life. Children with a non-Western migration background also have fewer opportunities for health. In this publication we look into the development of differences in health, lifestyle, environment, access to health care and poverty of children in Utrecht.
Go to Health Disparities Children

Utrecht panorama

Utrecht Health Model

In Utrecht the basis for monitoring and working on health is The Utrecht Health Model. This model is a combination of various theoretical models on health and health inequalities. It helps to look at health and health opportunities in a coherent way and to talk about them across various domains.
Go to Utrecht Health Model

Twee mensen met hond wandelen in het Oosterspoorbaanpark

Utrecht Health Profile

With The Utrecht Health Profile 2022, professionals and policymakers can work together in a targeted manner to improve the health of Utrecht's residents. It identifies which health problems are urgent, for whom, and how health differences are developing.
Go to Utrecht Health Profile